Sustainability 2030

Our ACP philosophy in practice

Today for a better future.


Sustainable Future 2030 at ACP

At ACP, sustainability is deeply ingrained as a core value that shapes our identity, business practices, and commitment to a livable future. Our sustainability strategy aligns with international standards such as ISO 26000 and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Curious to learn more about our sustainable mission? Download our comprehensive sustainability strategy and discover how we actively drive positive and lasting change. ACP is dedicated to going beyond legal requirements and integrating ethical principles into all our business decisions – for a collectively designed sustainable future.

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The 4 core topics of our sustainability strategy

Our four core themes are aligned with the model of the three dimensions of sustainability. Through digitalization and innovation, we expand these dimensions to encompass our core business and demonstrate that we can also guide our customers on the path towards sustainability as a technical partner. Simultaneously, we align our actions and goals with ISO 26000 and lay the foundation for our sustainability strategy, which adheres to both global best practices and our specific business requirements and objectives.

Gebäude mit Bäumen

Environmental protection and climate

Our responsibility for the planet is not limited to our offering for customers, but is deeply embedded in our internal operations. We strive to minimize our company's environmental footprint through measures such as energy efficiency, waste reduction and the promotion of environmentally friendly mobility. We are also strongly committed to the circular economy approach: Through remarketing, we enable the recycling and reuse of products, which saves resources and reduces waste. Our managed services promote the extended and optimized use of IT resources, thereby avoiding waste. In combination, these efforts reflect our commitment to environmental protection and show how seriously we take the challenges of climate change.

Team stoßt Fäuste zusammen mit Baum im Hintergrund

Social responsibility

In a globalized business environment, social responsibility is a key requirement. For us, this means more than just complying with standards. We are committed to actively improving the living conditions of people in our areas of influence, be it through fair working practices, support for community projects or educational initiatives. Promoting diversity and inclusion, ensuring health and safety in the workplace and regional engagement in local issues are essential for us. We strive to make a positive and measurable impact in all of these areas.

Münzen mit pflanzen Bilanz

Ethical business practices

In the modern business world, where transparency and accountability are becoming increasingly important, we understand ethical business to be more than just compliance with laws and regulations. For us, this means demonstrating integrity, honesty and fairness in all our business relationships and practices. It means that we reject corruption in any form, stand for open and honest communication and always consider the ethical consequences in our decision-making processes. By maintaining sound business practices while striving for higher ethical standards, we strive to gain and maintain the trust and respect of all our stakeholders.
Notebook mit grüner Erdkugel

Digitalization and innovation

As an IT system house, our heart naturally lies in technology. This field of activity goes beyond pure business objectives. It is about striving for innovations that not only create economic added value, but also advance society as a whole. Through advanced, flexible and scalable IT infrastructure solutions, we enable our customers to optimize their IT resources. Such solutions can not only reduce energy consumption and minimize environmental impact, but also increase operational efficiency and open up new opportunities for business growth and development.


Unsere vier Kernthemen orientieren sich an dem Modell der drei Dimensionen der Nachhaltigkeit. Mit Digitalisierung und Innovation erweitern wir diese Dimensionen um unser Kerngeschäft und zeigen, dass wir als technologischer Partner auch unsere Kunden auf dem Weg hin zur Nachhaltigkeit begleiten können. Gleichzeitig orientieren wir uns in unseren Maßnahmen und Zielen an der ISO 26000 und legen den Grundstein für unsere Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie, die sowohl den globalen Best Practices als auch unseren individuellen Geschäftsanforderungen und -zielen gerecht wird.

Our expertise



Find out more about how we achieve the highest standards in quality and social responsibility. Here you will soon be able to explore our ISO certifications and gain an insight into the implementation of our principles.


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