About ACP
The Management of ACP
Austria & Germany
Management of the ACP Group
Rainer Kalkbrener
alkbrener has international experience. Born in Linz, he studied business administration at Johannes Kepler University and then moved to the deep south of the USA, to Atlanta, to gain an MBA. His return to Austria led him to the telecommunications industry, to Kapsch in Vienna, where he started as a trainee in 1996 and became Sales Manager in 1997. At the end of 1999, he moved to Telekom Austria, worked as Assistant to the Chief Technical Officer and then took over as Director Program Management, managing programs and projects aimed at reducing costs and increasing efficiency in the technology division. In 2002, he became Managing Director Business Solutions and thus one of the two heads of the business segment, which comprises 530 employees and serves Telekom Austria's top customers. In 2006, he moved to ACP as Chief Financial Officer. In his free time, Kalkbrener enjoys the outdoors, loves mountain biking, running and golf - when time permits. Kalkbrener is the proud father of two sons, who take up a large part of his sporting energies.
Günther Schiller
Günther Schiller (born 1966) is the father of two sons and trained as a certified accountant, among other things. He joined ACP in 2003, when the founding of the first location in Kolbermoor was the starting signal for expansion into the German market. He initially managed the office in Upper Bavaria and took over the management of ACP Holding Germany in 2008. Since 2013, he has also been managing the ACP Group together with Rainer Kalkbrener as a member of the Management Board. Schiller knows how to apply his commercial knowledge strategically, particularly when it comes to start-ups, company takeovers and mergers. Under his leadership, ACP has become a strong player in the information technology sector in Germany and continues to pursue a growth strategy supported by targeted acquisitions.
"One of ACP's particular strengths lies in its decentralized structure. We are an entrepreneurial company and offer our new members the opportunity to remain entrepreneurs after becoming part of the ACP Group."
Schiller is a visionary with an eye on the future of the IT industry and attaches great importance to customer proximity and synergies within the Group. He is passionate about good food and cooking and enjoys hiking and mountain biking in the mountains on his doorstep.